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漁夫辭 The fishman

屈原既放,游於江潭,行吟澤畔,顏色樵粹,形容枯槁。漁父見 而間之曰:子非三閭大夫與?何故至於斯?屈原曰:舉世皆濁我 獨清,眾人皆醉我獨醒。是以見放。漁父曰:聖人不凝滯於物,而 能與世推移。世人皆濁,何不掘其泥而揚其波眾人皆醉,何不餔其 糟而歠醨。何故深思高舉,自令放為?屈原曰:吾聞之新沐者必 彈冠,新浴者必振衣,受能以身之察察,受物之汶汶者乎?宵赴湘流,葬於江魚之腹中,安能以皓皓之白,而蒙世俗之塵埃乎;漁父莞爾 而笑,鼓枻而去,乃歌曰:滄浪之水清兮,可以濯我纓滄浪之水 濁兮,可以灌我足。遂去,不復與言。

The fishman

Kang Likuei, Yuan Dynasty

Inside Story

The content of the article depicts the conversation between Chu Yuan and a fisherman. Both give different opinions over value as well as whether to persist or compromise as they face the conflicts between reality and idea. After being exiled, Chu Yuan traveled along rivers and lakes. While walking along a river and sighing, looking pale, sick and worried, a fisherman saw him and asked him “Aren’t you the senior officer of San-Liu! Why are you wandering about here? ”everyone in this world is corrupted, only I’m clean; everyone is drunk, yet I’m sober, and that’s why I was exiled.” replied Chu Yuan“A man with virtue and brilliance will not insist on external objects, he will make changes according to the timing. So if the whole world is corrupted why don’t you go along with it? When everyone is drunk why do you join them? Why do you have to think so profoundly and act so high above? That only leads you to the result of banishment.” said the fisherman. Chu Yuan replied, “I heard that one will clean hat up before putting it on after shampooing; one will shake dirt off clothes before putting it on after taking a bath. How could one put up with the dirt remaining on a clean body? I’d rather jump into the Hsiang River and turn into a meal for fish; how can one bear the dusts and ashes of the world with his unblemished integrity?”The fisherman smiled, stroke the board and was ready to leave. “if the waving water is clear I use it to wash the strings of my hat; if it’s contaminated I use it to wash my feet!” said he. Then, he stopped talking to Chu Yuan and left.

